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With PLMA 2020 in the Cloud(s)!

December 7, 2020

PLMA (the Private Label Manufacturers Association) launched its first trade show that took place entirely in the cloud in the year of 2020. Held from 1st till 4th of December 2020 under the theme of “Life is Good in Private Label”, PLMA’s Online “World of Private Label” International Trade Show marked the debut of the largest virtual trade event of its kind.

Being first time held online, we were ready to pioneer what’s next together with PLMA and it was an excellent choice. According to official PLMA statistics, number of connections LUKOWA made throughout the fair makes a significant portion of total number of established connections at this year’s fair. Those metrics shows us how much LUKOWA had been noticed as a company and we look forward to the 2021 PLMA fair, whether it will be held online or in beloved Amsterdam.

PLMA Online 2020

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